Saturday, April 07, 2007

Baby Boomer Real Estate Bust?

A great commentary from the blog Generation X Finance about an article from the Boston Globe on how boomers are going to get caught without buyers as they get older. This may be a caution to many of us. As I'm a condo dweller, this isn't going to be an issue but some friends might want to take heed.
clipped from

Typical Baby Boomer Real Estate Cycle:

  1. Start out with a modest first home to raise a family

  2. As the kids grow old and begin to move out, upgrade to a new and/or larger house

  3. As retirement nears, relocate or move into a smaller home

The problem is that our younger generation doesn’t want their McMansions or large homes. Our generation is waiting longer to get married, having fewer kids and focusing on building careers. We don’t have a need for larger homes nor can we afford what our parents are asking for them. The boomers are left holding the bag, and I’m not sure how this will ultimately play out.

I encourage you to read the article over at the Boston Globe as it touches on many additional issues that I did not. It is a very interesting read.

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