Saturday, April 14, 2007

Seth Godin gets it about Boomers

Seth Godin is a brilliant marketer and author. I read his first book, "Permission Marketing," years ago and then heard him speak. Few people back then really understood the potential of marketing on the web the way that Seth did (and still does).

In this post, he points out how the attitudes of boomers, and not old-fashioned demographic information, are the keys to speaking and marketing to us.

Marketing to seniors (open and closed)

Open people are seeking out things that they believe will make their lives better. Experiences and products and styles that will open doors, cause growth, save time and money and increase status. All of these things are 'go up' events. Find people who are open and you find people you can talk to.

Closed people are trying to maintain the status quo. They are very focused on keeping things from getting worse, but they're not particularly concerned about joining the in crowd or starting something.

For a long time, the easy way out was to believe that 18 to 34 year olds were open and seniors were closed. Web surfers are open, National Enquirer readers are closed. etc. etc.

Then the baby boom happened.

Baby boomers have been open their whole lives. And now they are seniors. So all the conventional wisdom goes out the window.
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Blogger 55-Community said...

As a 59 year old Boomer, I have started to enjoy new things since I semi retired this year. So I may seem more open to new things but really it is because I have more time to explore and experience new things. I am sure enjoying my MP3 player for example. Always been a computer and Internet person. Today is my birthday and I got a card from someone who is a friend of my wife. It was a joke about us older folks not keeping up with technology. Obviously she didn't know me and I think this sterotype doesn't apply to us Boomers (not Seniors).

12:13 PM  

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