Friday, January 06, 2006

Boomer Burst Media Study

Great piece on how Boomers are bringing new energy to their lives with technology. In a piece titled "Baby Boomers Burst Online" I finally feel that we Boomers are starting to get some street cred. ClickZ reports:

According to a new BURST! Media study, this Web-savvy, iTunes-using, smartphone-toting couple isn't alone. Three of five adults 55 years and older, known to be the heaviest consumers of offline media such as newspapers and TV network news, say they use the Internet more today than they did a year ago. This data is supported by comScore Media Metrix research, which finds the number of online adults aged 55 and older grew by 20 percent to reach over 27 million in 2005.

According to BURST!, the ability to access content any time of the day is drawing these adults online. This age group also finds more accurate information on the Web than with TV, radio, magazines, and newspapers. Nearly 58 percent of surveyed adults over 55 stated they could find content online they couldn't find via other media. Over 45 percent also bestowed the Internet with the advantage of offering up-to-date content, particularly when compared with broadcast media.

In addition to gathering information for their personal needs, over 50 percent of this demographic uses the Web to communicate with others, as my mother-in-law so aptly demonstrated. She uses chat programs such as AOL's AIM and Apple's iChat daily and e-mails with a vengeance, along with millions of others her age.

So stand up, SMS your kids, and then: rock on!